Monday, February 1, 2016

Just Enjoying a Brewski With the Biebs. AKA Justin Beerber.

Fuck it. I'll admit it, I'm a Justin Bieber fan. Is it too late now to say sorry????

If you think this post is about a brewski named after the likeness of Justin, you are mistaken. That is just the foil to expound about my newfound infatuation with the Biebs. (You peep that Canadian reference?????) Otherwise I'd risk my manhood. So let's pretend this is about beer, macho macho beer! However there are some cool backstories to this beverage. It is a collabo project between Evil Twin, Westbrook and The Charleston Beer Exchange, a city and store I'm quite fond of. And its a Berliner Weiss, a refreshing and effervescent tart beer. As it turns out, Blåbær is Danish for blueberry, and this is brewed with the fruit. It's an enjoyable beer. A style of beer better in the warmer months, but not too bad in the winter. The blueberry isn't as prominent as expected, but the inherent tart quality of the berry lends itself to this type of beer.

But enough about the beer, how did I become a teenage girl trapped in a young man's body??? I'm not sure exactly. I kept hearing Sorry and What Do You Mean and I had no choice but to move, still unaware who it was. Was it the angelic voice? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. The production is on pizzy and you don't need much more. I became a Belieber without even knowing it. That's how they get you. But I can't front jack, the shit goes. It wasn't that long ago he did a joint with Raekwon and Kanye over some Wu shit. You could say I was hating. But he sounded like a prepubescent whipper snapper and that's never been my thing thing. Our tastes have changed and are now reconvening on the H-Pod. And I'm big enough to forgive the poor decisions of his youth. (See below). And hopefully you are too.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Several weekends ago we hit the VEVO channel hard on the Apple TV. Lazy Saturday vibes channeling Tiger Beat. Had the Biebs Fest on repeat. Shit was lit. Threw in a little Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, The Weeknd, Demi Lovato, and Taylor Swift for some extra flavas. That day sparked this obsession.

If you aren't able to get your paws on this Beerber, no worries, any brew will do. So crack one open, sit back, and enjoy the show.

Iceland. Time to book that ticket to Reykjavik!!

Since one version of Sorry is not enough, I provided you with 2!!!!!!!!!

How I feel when I'm starving and hit the supermarket Probably my least favorite

If Exhibits A through F haven't proven my case, then let the Illmatic one handle closing arguments...


-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

anyone! anytime!
A N Y W H E R E!!
this finite existence
is more XX-citing
than eternal
and I'll gitcha
a pitcher-O-beer
Upstairs, bro.
No charge!
Im buds withe Owner...

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

If that doesnt pull-your-string,
maaaybe this shall...

wanna PEACE
of Me?